The first thing we can do is run a function that will load the R packages needed for this code companion, and install them to our machine if they are not already.
<- c("utils", "tidyverse", "downloadthis", # packages for data management
packages "foreign", "MplusAutomation", # packages for writing data
"sjPlot", "broom", "kableExtra", # packages for generating tables
"nlme", "lme4", "lmerTest", "stats", # packages for MLMs
"mgcv", "gamm4", "itsadug", # packages for GAMMs
"lavaan", # packages for SEMs
"ggplot2", "semPlot", "ggeffects", # packages for visualization
"interactions") # packages for probing interactions
if (length(setdiff(packages, rownames(installed.packages()))) > 0) {
repos = "")
library, character.only = TRUE))
We have automatically generated a downloadable bibliography of the R package versions used in this companion for later reproducibility.
knitr.packages(), "bookdown", "knitr", "rmarkdown"
"external/hitchhikers-guide-packages.bib") ),